Submarine Tunnel

The submarine tunnel in Montenegro is an extremely interesting place to visit but is also a great destination for diving. The tunnel is one of the larger military facilities of the former Yugoslavia, with a length of 50 m and a width of 7 m. Today, there is no longer an army in the facility, so it is perceived as an abandoned object. During diving in the tunnel, you can see various corals, sea sponges, octopuses, crabs, and other inhabitants of the Adriatic underwater world.

Additional equipment such as underwater lamps is required for diving in the submarine tunnel. The average depth of the tunnel is 8 m, while around the exit, the depth increases up to 30 m. Also, in the submarine tunnel, there is a whole complex of underground tunnels with technical equipment for the maintenance and repair of submarines. All of this can be explored by divers after diving into the tunnel.